Our culture and boredom

With my first year of college behind me, my life immediately began to slow down. I’m not doing homework and studying madly in between every other thing I had to get done, I have time. What a strange concept that is. Extra time, free time, time to spare.

Before school was over I was taking seventeen credits and working 14-16 hours a week. I was a busy busy bee. I never slowed down and never stopped. I daydreamed about having nothing to do. Honestly I couldn’t wait to just wake up and know that I had nothing to do that day. Well here I am. Nothing to do. And I am anything but content. I feel this almost desperate pressure to find something to do or get someone to hang out or accomplish something. I have cleaned my room like no other, gone through all my clothes, made about a million crafts and even homemade sugar wax. I began filling my days with mindless tasks to finish, trying to keep up that ever present buzz of society. But the more I fill my days, the emptier I feel.

I am a product of our society. We value more. The more you can accomplish,and the more you can multi-task the better. The more errands you run, friends you see ect ect. We don’t respect rest and downtime, its viewed instead as lazy. I’m this exact way, if i stay in bed past 9 I instantly feel like a bum. I totally disregard the fact that I was getting sleep that my body must have needed and restoring myself.

I know this might seem a bit out of place on a blog thats all about adventures. But I have another challenge for you. Ready? Do Nothing. Heres the catch- do nothing, and be okay with it. Be proud of it. When somebody asks you what you did today, tell them with confidence that you rested. You restored yourself. You took care of yourself. You were lazy as all get out.

If you’re anything like me, this will be hard for you. But I’m gonna be taking this challenge along with you, and *sarcastic tone* maybe together, we can accomplish absolutely nothing. In all seriousness, even busy bees need to rest. We all need to be a little less hard on ourselves, and give ourselves grace.

So here’s to a new adventure, slowing down. It is okay to not be busy. It is good to rest. It is amazing to be still and know.

Natural Deodorants… *Dun dun dun*

I can’t be the only one who was terrified of trying natural deodorant, right? Well I certainly was, especially after reading review after review of people saying that every natural deodorant out there just didn’t make the cut. I am becoming more and more conscious of what I’m putting in and on my body, and of course deodorants are a bit of a hot topic. Not only was I hoping to avoid shoving aluminum into my pores everyday, I was looking for something a little bit more gentle. I can’t believe I’m about to say this to the entire internet- but here we go. I have very sensitive skin on my underarms. A lot of traditional deodorants irritate my skin and make it red and burn, and its really just no good. So, knowing what I know why was I still using regular deodorant? Because I did’t want to smell bad.

But I ventured out and tried the only natural brand of deodorant at Target, “Tom’s natural 24 hour odor protection- long lasting- aluminum free deodorant with lavender”. This was just. Not good. Speaking for myself only, this did not work at all and upon reading more about it I found that this was a common theme. It smells absolutely divine, however didn’t work for me. I think this cost around $6 at Target.


Next I moved onto the big guns.. whole foods. There I found an overwhelming selection on natural deodorants. Some of them I completely avoided after doing even more review reading. I actually asked an employee to give me their opinions on which one works best. Of course, she pointed me happily to the $11 dollar one. I am just a poor college student, there’s no way I was going to spend $11 dollars on deodorant that would probably not work. So she showed me another, a spray on deodorant. It is the “EO love life, live clean- organic deodorant all day fresh” again lavender scented. This was much more within my price range, I think it was around $6 again. This one also smelled lovely, but just didn’t work. I was shocked. I am not a very sweaty person in the least so I expected them to work just fine. I tried this one multiple times over a period of weeks and it just didn’t work. Even with a midday application.


So I was discouraged. I went back to using regular deodorant, but every time I put it on I thought about trying natural deodorant. Then my favorite website ( http://www.treehugger.com ) posted an article about natural beauty, and I found a recipe for homemade deodorant. I had all the ingredients… why not give it a go?

I made it 3 days ago and have been using it, and loving it, ever since. I have stayed fresh and clean smelling all day, and my skin is so happy! It has been over 80 degrees every day since I’ve made it, and I have been all over the place out and about in the sun, and not a bit sweaty. I’m going to share the recipe and some tips with you guys today.

What you need: A small pan,a glass container and lid, water, 3 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp shea butter (optional), 3 tbsp baking soda, 2 tbsp corn starch, 5 drops of any essential oil (also optional).


What you do: Make a double boiler by putting your glass jar in your pot of water. Bring the water to a simmer, don’t let it boil though or you will break your glass. Add your coconut oil and shea butter to the glass and wait for them to melt. Then turn off your heat and stir in the baking soda, corn starch, and essential oil(s). I let mine cool for a few hours, then put it in the fridge to solidify.

**I didn’t add shea butter to mine, and its works perfectly well if you don’t. I think its for extra moisture and to keep it solid. If you don’t use the shea butter your deodorant might be kind of closer to a liquid than a solid.

**I used definitely more than 5 drops of oil in my deodorant because I wanted a stronger scent. I used sweet orange essential oil (approximately 10 drops) and it smells sosososo good. I think next I’ll try lavender though, but you could really use almost any one you wanted.

How to use: As I mentioned above, mine is now very liquified but I don’t mind. I kind of stir it up a bit with my finger and then rub it into my skin. It will melt on your skin but as you continue to rub it in you will feel the powdery texture of the baking soda/cornstarch. I always wait a few minutes before putting my shirt over it just to make sure its dried. It doesn’t stain clothes, or leave those awful white marks anywhere.



Trying to find a good natural deodorant was a bigger adventure than I was anticipating, but I’m really happy with how this turned out. I feel so much better knowing what what I’m putting into my skin is healthy for it, and also healthy for my budget! I had everything at home, but even if you have to by some ingredients this is relatively inexpensive and it will last you absolutely ages. If you guys have any store bought natural deodorants that work, or recipes of your own be sure to let me know in the comments!

Advice for Freshmen, from a Freshman?

So as of the 28th, I officially completed one of my biggest adventures to date, my freshman year of college. It was a complete whirlwind, and it went by incredibly fast. This post is going to be dedicated to things I learned as a freshman that I thought I’d pass on to you. This is in no way me trying to like I’ve got it all together cause God knows I don’t. I broke down sobbing multiple times this year about any variety of things. I dropped my precalc class. I goofed up my financial aid. I made a ridiculous amount of mistakes, and it’s called learning. I thought to myself, who better to advise freshmen than a freshman herself (basically)? So here it goes.


1. It is okay to not have it all together.

Its okay to not be okay. Its okay to have freak outs and melt downs. Because you know what? You’re not the only one.

2. Get your books early.

Yea. I definitely was not on top of this- and during first semester I was panicking without the textbook we needed while chegg took its sweet ole’ time.

3. Rent used books

Textbooks are not cheap! But I found renting them used from my own Universities bookstore was the cheapest and most convenient way to do it. That way when the rental was up I just had to walk in and return it, not worry about shipping it back.

4. Pack your lunch

During the fall semester I was a bit overwhelmed and busy, so I began just counting on buying food at school. This just leads to eating unhealthier, higher processed food. Also being a vegetarian, it leaves you with not too many options for protein/nutrients. Also my campus has like… 4 coffee shops. Dangerous. In the winter semester I packed lunches every night (okay lets be real, sometimes frantically in the morning) and I found that I was eating so much healthier and saving money! I allowed myself to buy lunch once a week, and a chai latte every now and then never killed anyone(:

5. Take advantage of the facilities!

My school has an amazing rec center that I never used once during the fall. I was too nervous I guess to brave the rec center by myself but when I started doing it in the winter I loved it. I only wish I would have wandered in earlier, it was a great environment and I was getting my exercise too!

6. Learn to like your own company

College is much more independent than high school. In senior year I would’ve rather died than walk somewhere by myself or eat lunch alone. But at a university, especially a commuter school, everyone’s alone! I did more by myself in one year than I have in my whole life combined. I learned that no, It would not kill me to do things all by myself. I actually grew to really like it. And I think thats important, you’ve gotta like to be on your own.

7. But- remember to reach out.

This is where I struggled the most this year. As I mentioned above, college is much more independent. It feels like nobody is even looking for a friend. They’re all just as content as you are to sit by themselves with headphones in. It seems like a lot of people on campus just couldn’t be bothered to socialize. And therefore, you should be bothered with it. I wish I would’ve said hi to more people, or worked in groups on projects instead of individually. I wish I would’ve joined a club or a group. Because I can sadly say that one year of college went by and I didn’t make a single good friend. I had some acquaintances sure, but nobody that I asked to do anything with. That is my goal for sophomore year- I hope to reach out to others more.

8. It is okay to change your major.

Take it from me. Pre Physical Therapy to elementary education with a focus in early childhood and special ed. I thought I would be considered a quitter and a chicken. I thought the world would fall apart. First hand experience, I changed my major and the world stayed perfectly intact. In face for me, the world was a little bit brighter. I got so much support from those who love me, it was easy to do it. Even if you don’t have that support, you have to follow your heart and go with your gut. You don’t wanna spend all that time and money on a degree for a job you don’t really want. And if nobody around you supports you on it, you’ve always got me. I’ll be right behind you. (:

9. Open your mind

One of the ways college is so different from high school is that every single professor I had (minus one) was incredibly passionate about what they taught. As they should be! Its like their lives work went into this subject, and you can see it. I found that the more open I was to each professors opinion and subject, the more I got out of it. Make sure you’re not just passing the tests, but taking something with you from every course (even if that something is “well thank God I’m not a bio major”)

**Speaking of professors….. check out the website “Rate my professor” when picking your classes and you’ll be sure to get the cream of the crop.

10. Remember why you’re there

Here lies the big difference. In high school, you have to take almost the exact same classes as every other student. You get the same diploma. We technically go to high school for an education, but really if you look at it, we’re there for the diploma. Education is defined as “an enlightening experience”, and I would argue that this is what college is. Its an enlightening experience. You become a little bit passionate about every class you’ve had because every professor is giving you a little of their love for it. You become smaller and smaller and smaller. Smaller as you drive in morning traffic and think to yourself “how do this many people even live here?!” Smaller as you wait in giant registration lines. Smaller still as you sit in a lecture of 300 and realize that it literally wouldn’t matter if you showed up or not. And the smallest when you look around and realize that it is no longer a popularity contest. That everyone there is going for a degree, hopefully to do something they love.. and you have got nothing to do with it. You become older, as suddenly you’re handling everything yourself that was handed to you on a cake platter just a year ago. You learn a million new things, about your classes, career, and even yourself. So even on those days when you’re sick to death of it all and you’re ready to drop every last class you have- remember how lucky you are to be there, and that so many people can’t afford to be where you are right now. Remember what you’re there for. To learn how to do the job you’ve always dreamed of that will someday support you and maybe a family. You’re there to open the door to the rest of your life. Thinking about that really helped me stay positive even on the worst of days.

So there they are, my little bits of wisdom. Hopefully they’re helpful to you, and I ask that you share any college tips you may have with me as well!! I’ve got a lotta school ahead of me, and need all the advice I can get. Us college kids gotta stick together, ya know.

Until next time,

A girl on the brink

The Good Girls Revolt, by Lynn Povich


The book “The Good Girls Revolt” was actually assigned in my American history class. We had to read three books this semester and the first two were complete busts, so I didn’t really have much hope for this one either. It was pretty late on a weeknight, and I sat on my bed sipping my green tea and dreading reading another blandly written historical event. Wearily, I began to read the prologue entitled “What was the problem?” and by the end of it- I was sold. I devoured this book whole. I think I finished it in under a week. I couldn’t stop. The story isn’t what I would call suspenseful, it doesn’t keep you on the edge of your seat, but It was so compelling I just couldn’t stop.

The book tackles this issues of sexism in the workplace. It is a true story, written by a woman who was apart of the movement herself. The story takes place at Newsweek in the 60’s where deep down, the women are beginning to feel familiar with the problem that had no name. Some of the smartest, most talented, and the most passionate writers are stuck with research or checking jobs. Why you may ask? Because of their gender. Because “Its tradition.” Because nobody had spoken up yet.

“The Good Girls Revolt” tells the story of how the women at Newsweek filed a sex discrimination lawsuit against Newsweek. The most beautiful part of story is the details, not necessarily the actual lawsuit but all the work that had to be done leading up to it. The meetings held in apartments and secret meet ups in the office were what I loved the most.

This book tells the inspiring story of how the faint whispers among women materialized into a strong clear voice. The women kept their thoughts and feelings hush hush for a long time, due to what they were raised to believe. That ladies are ladylike, that ladies have their certain roles and jobs, that feminists are crazy people. Finally the women stood together against what they knew was wrong- and we have all benefited from it.

This book made me grateful. This book made me wonder… what would it be like if there had never been a lawsuit? What If those women would have never risked their jobs, marriages, and reputations to fight the fight for all of us against gender discrimination? This book made me think. This book made me want more, it inspired me to remember the women who came before us, and to make sure I am working to leave behind a better place for the women who will come after me.

If you’re looking for an empowering read, this ones top notch. And as one final thought to leave you with….9a29974496f67c89cb63df70b14a4c10

Giving Up Social Media

Heres a report from my latest adventure, which I’m sure you can tell from the title. For lent, I gave up social media. My religion doesn’t necessarily enforce this idea of giving something up during lent, but for my own personal reasons I’ve always chosen to do it. I’m sure that giving up social media would yield the same results whether it was for lent or not.

I decided spur of the moment on ash Wednesday to give it up. I was planning on using my old standard of not eating chocolate, but I knew I wanted to do something a bit more meaningful. I was a little leery of giving up my instagram because I feel like I had just gotten to a good following, and I really liked editing all my pictures and trying to be artsy about it. So it was Ash Wednesday, I took a picture with my brother and while typing the caption- I decided to give it up.

Let me tell you. Throughout the lenten season, I read SO much. I finished a book that I had started months ago and hadn’t gotten around to because “I just didn’t have the time.” Then I read two and a half more books on top of that. In 40 days I read about three books, previous to giving up social media it had taken me over three months to get half of a book done. I was floored. I loved it. No matter how much fun scrolling through pinterest is, nothing compares to the feeling of a book in your hands. I just carried one with me always, and every time I had a spare moment where I would normally check twitter, I read a page or two.

I also found myself reading my bible and praying more. I downloaded a bible app and a lot of the time when I would on impulse go to open instagram, I’d remember it wasn’t there and open that instead. Even if I only read a chapter, it was keeping me in The Word and I loved it. I wrote in my journal more too. Not only prayers, but thoughts. In our generation, social media is seen as a form of self expression… which I believe in a way that it is. But for me personally I find that writing is a far more expressive thing to do, and I don’t get around to it enough.

The days passed and it came to Easter Eve. And I realized, “Oh! I get social media back tomorrow.” Shocking myself, I realized that I had no desire to use it. I didn’t long to post my cutesy pictures on instagram, or tweet something meaningless and hope someone would favorite it. I didn’t even want to go on a pinning binge.

Now that easter has passed, I am back on my instagram and pinterest, but I deleted my twitter app. Taking a step back made me realize that I dreaded even opening it, and I only used it to kill time- when I have found much more gratifying ways to “kill time”. I think giving it up for 40 days really changed my mindset… I’m not constantly refreshing my feed. I’m not trying to make every moment perfect and instagram worthy. I’m focusing on where I am right now, what I’m doing, and who I’m with.

This is in no means bashing social media- I still like it and use it, however much less and much differently. I think theres a lot of creative inspiration to be found in it- but I also think that theres a lot of identity loss to it. I felt better the entire 40 days, and I definitely lived in every moment a bit more than I did before. I’m hoping to keep up the practice of limiting my social media, and seeing where it goes.

This was a really positive experience for me, and I think it would be beneficial to almost every person in our society. So if you’re reading this, then I am challenging you (yes, you!) to give up social media for any amount of time. A day, a month, why not a week. Pick up a book, start up a blog, or just sit and be- what an idea that is.

Book reports coming up soon on the books mentioned above! Hope you’re having a lovely day!

We made it to Traverse on some change

Last winter, my mom and I decided to start saving up all our silver change, and use it for gas money to go on a road trip. We got ourselves a little bin, and started dumping change in at the end of every day. As a joke, we began calling it tuppence. You know, from Mary Poppins? The bird lady sings, “Feed the birds… Tuppence a bag.. Tuppence, Tuppence Tuppence a bag…” We thought it was pretty great. We spent all of june and july deciding where to go. Savannah? Too far. Chicago? Too expensive. Traverse City? This might just work. We booked our hotel, turned in our change and headed up the mitten to Traverse city. The change paid for our gas, and we split the nights in the hotel room. While in Traverse we adventured downtown, and ate, walked the beach, and ate, wandered through other towns on the water, and ate. Let me tell you, if you’re looking for good food- look no further than Traverse city. In downtown theres a little cafe called Poppycock. Take my word and order the grilled cheese and some type of tomato soup. Its heaven on earth. Heres us there!

Mom and I at Poppycock

Mom and I at Poppycock

We kept wandering around town… And I found this little gem.

guess I left my heart in Traverse

guess I left my heart in Traverse

If you’ve been to there, you’ll know what I’m talking about but if you head towards the bay while in downtown.. you come across a charming little boat canal. I’ve wanted to swim in this thing ever since I was a little girl and saw some super cool teenagers doing it. I’ve been thinking about it for years and I swore to myself when I went back, I would get in that darn water. Well. Lets say I romanticized it a bit. The water was freezing, and quite dirty. And there were signs posted everywhere telling us to stay out of the water. But I had come so close… Here’s how I got around the rules…

Dipping my feet in

Dipping my feet in.

A pretty cool house on the river.

A pretty cool house on the water.

Another beautiful part of traverse is of course, the bay. The beautiful bay. Take a walk down on the pier for the sunset, you won’t be disappointed. Also talk a long walk down the beach, if your lucky, you might find some lake glass.

my very first lake glass

my very first lake glass

no caption needed

no caption needed

staring off into the sunset.... sigh.

staring off into the sunset…. sigh.

On our second night there, Mom and I decided to go to the movies! We decided to see “Magic in the Moonlight” by Woody Allen. This movie is absolutely perfect in every way. You should watch it. Not only was the movie great, but the State theater was astonishing. It’s an old theater that the refurbished. The ceiling of the theater twinkles like the night sky, and it feels like you’ve stepped back in time.

A glamorous shot of Mom.

A glamorous shot of Mom.

She's a beauty

She’s a beauty

We felt pretty fabulous.

We felt pretty fabulous.

Here’s something charming for ya, The Little Fleet. Located right in downtown Traverse, its a bunch of colorful food trucks all parked together, with a bar located behind it. There’s cool seating, and I believe twinkly lights. I got a grilled cheese from the easy cheesy. When I got food from the little fleet Mom decided to wait for something else so we ended up at Amical. Basically we pretended we were in Italy. It was divine.

Momma enjoying her dinner

Momma enjoying her dinner

Chocolate Peanut Butter something or other. Just. Order this.

Chocolate Peanut Butter something or other. Just. Order this.

Traverse was beautiful, and it was a much needed get a way for us both. Everywhere we went was absolutely perfect. We left our hearts on the bay

Defining Adventure

Hey blogging world! It’s been a while. I’ve been thinking about jumping back on the blog for quite some time now, and things have been so crazy that I never really had time to do it. It was just a little idea constantly floating around in the back of my mind… one of the millions of things I’ve been meaning to get to- I digress. The point is, that while I’ve been thinking about getting back to blogging, I’ve been thinking about the name of my blog. A girl on the brink of adventure. Its catchy (Atleast I think), and very cutesy. But lately I’ve been wondering if this whole time I wasn’t on the brink of an adventure, that I was smack in the middle of one.

As Webster defines it,

noun: adventure; plural noun: adventures
1. 1. 
an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.

Unusual and exciting. That sounds like every day to me. Because I guess what I’ve learned during these first few months of college is that adventure isn’t a thing, its more of an attitude. Going to school everyday could be an adventure, if you look at it that way. Reading, painting, doing yoga or even decorating for Christmas could all be an adventure. I’ve recently made a change in my diet and gone vegetarian, and that’s an adventure for me! (Posts will be coming soon about this endeavor)

Moral of the story is: I think I’m off the brink, if I ever was there. I’m going to keep my blog name the same because like I said, I think its pretty darn cute, but from here on out you can count me as a girl on an adventure. So heres to meeting new people, trying a different coffee creamer, and to just waking up every morning. Heres to making all of it an adventure.

-A girl on an adventure

I party with Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby. Set in the roaring twenties in New York, filled with millionaires, parties and romance, how could it not be spectacular? Everything about that time period was… especially the clothes. Think flapper style. Bright, and sparkling. You were dressed to have all eyes on you. The girls wore their dresses short, and their hair shorter. The twenties was really when women started to play sports, and exercise.. Things that were formerly considered very masculine. We could finally be feminine, without being weak. The waist lines got a little looser, and the fabric a bit more breathable. Also, everything looked luxurious. Real fur, real silk, and lace on everything. Why be subtle, right? Here’s my take on a 20’s themed look.


I’m wearing a chemise type of dress, that fits exactly with the looser style they were going for. It hangs straight from your shoulders until your waist or hips, it depends on the dress. I have rather long hair, and to give it a bit more of a flapper vibe I put a headband in and just tucked all my hair around it. It really makes it look like a bob! Also the pearls were a good touch.

After reading the Great Gatsby and falling head over heels in love with it, I just couldn’t go see the movie without looking at least a bit like a flapper girl!  If you’re looking for 20’s inspiration definitely definitely read The Great Gatsby, watch the movie, and maybe even listen to the song “Flapper Girl” by the Lumineers! Remember, the twenties were all about being bright, and mostly definitely roaring. So wear those pearls, party like Gatsby, and leave New York breathless, Old Sport.

Summer 2013 Bucket List!



This is my summer bucket list, hopefully you can get some fun ideas from it!! Lemme know what’s on your bucket list this summer(:



1) Sleeping in the back of a truck surrounded by pillows, blankets, and your best friend… how fun does that sound?? I plan on using my grampas truck for this one. Make sure if you do this you use plenty of bug spray, and even some of the bug repellent candles! Also swimming in a truck… this is my idea that no one seems to like very much. Stick a big tarp in the back, fill it up with water, and ta da! A pool. I know we all have real pools, but what fun is that?

2) Silly band tan lines. This one is pretty much self explanatory.. but I think it would be cute! I would definitely pick an elephant or a dolphin.

3) Drink bubble tea! I’ve been wanting to try this for a long long long time! It just looks so cute with all those little bubbles at the bottom. I’ve heard they’re made of tapioca but I’m not quite sure. I just think bubble tea seems like a very summery thing!

4) Not cutting my hair! I’m very determined to let it get really long. If the split ends get too awful, I’ll end up cutting it but for now the plan is to let it grow!

5) Road trip… This one’s a little vague. I’m not even sure where to go! Cedar point? A beach? hmm the options are endless. Maybe a cute little down town? This will definitely be a road trip with some friends, because they can all drive now!

6) Sleep on the trampoline! This one’s a bit like the first. I think it’ll be fun(:

7) Playing in every storm! I’ve loved to play in the rain ever since I was little. Especially when its warm outside! Go dance in the rain. Or sing in it. Splash in every puddle on your street. Find a friend with a jeep, or a convertible, take the roof off and go drive in the rain! Something other than sit inside. Rain is cleansing, and relaxing, and very very fun. (:

8) Bike ride to Metro! There’s a trail leading to a beach near my house, and it’s quite a long trail. My Mom and I have had this goal of biking there for like two summers now, and this summer is the one!

9) Have a picnic. Such a simple, lovely thing to do. Round up some friends and come up with what you need. Have everyone bring something, and there you go. A perfect summer day!

10) Play bridge… okay so this one isn’t that summery. Ever since I read that Scarlett O’hara plays bridge, I decided that I wanted to play as well. The thing is, nobody knows how to play. Hopefully I can find someone to teach me!

11) See fireworks! This one’s a gimme, but how can you go a summer without fireworks?

12) Get my license. This is an important one!! I really can’t wait till I have it, and I’m almost there! Just gotta work on that parallel parking…

13) COVER a driveway with chalk. And I mean cover. Doodles over every inch of it. This is good for one of those, “We have no idea what to do” days that always happen sometime in August.

14) Random acts of kindness! This one’s pretty vague too. The maid idea I have is to tape little pieces of paper onto public bathroom mirrors that say “WARNING- images in this mirror may be distorted by societies idea of beauty”. I know I would love if I saw that on a mirror! I’m still coming up with more ideas, and I’ll post when I do them all(:

15) READ. I have a humungous list of books to read, and I plan on making a pretty big dent in it this summer. Between that and summer reading homework, I should be reading quite a bit!

16) Sing and dance. A fun one! This isn’t anything specific, just some pretty fun things to do.. Sing in the car, with your friends, in public, who cares. Break out doing the wobble in the middle of the street. Who knows.

17) Have as many spontaneous adventures as possible. This is by far my favorite one.. Its what summer is all about! Summer is not about dates and plans, its more of “Lets just go” Take some risks this summer, and go with the flow! Haven’t you ever noticed, the most fun things are the most unexpected?